14. THE CARYA POEMS (11-15)


Caryapada 11

Poet: Kanhupada, Raga Patamanjuri

The strength of the artery is firmly held in bed.

Spontaneous drums rise in heroic volume.

Kanhu, the kapali, is engaged in yonic joining

through the city of the body.

Knowledge and wisdom are tied to his feet

Like ankle bells of the hour.

Day and night are turned into ornaments of pleasure.

Wearing ashes from burnt-out anger-hatred-and illusion

be adorns a necklace with salvation pearls.

By killing his mother-in-law, sister-in-law and his mother,

Kanhu thus became a kapali.

Caryapada 12

Poet: Kanhupada, Raga Bhairabi

On the board of Karuna I play the nine strongholds.

With the mercy of Guru I win over the universal hold.

My king conquers duality.

With the blessing of the benefactor Supreme Bliss is near.

First I take the pawns with the bishop.

I defeat five.

I checkmate the living with my queen.

So is my victory over worldly existence.

Kanhu says: I check well

and take a count of sixty-four squares.

Caryapada 13

Poet: Kanhupada, Raga Kemod

Taking three refugees in a boat I captured eight.

In my body resides karuna and the chamber is empty.

I crossed the river of existence like a dream.

In mid-river I came to know the waves.

I used five 'tathagatas' as oars.

Kanhai rows the boat like a dream.

Smelling, touching and tasting as they are

like a dream

without sleep.

The mind is the boatman in a Great Void.

Kanhu goes for Union with Great Happiness.

Caryapada 14

Poet: Dombipada, Raga Dhanashi

The boat glides between the Ganges and Jamuna.

On it the Candali woman takes drowning men across.

Row on Domni, row on.

On your way, it is afternoon.

With the blessing of Guru

I shall return to the blissful 'ginapur,.

The five oars ply and the towing rope is bound at its end.

Bail water out with the pail of sky

So that water shall not enter the holes.

The sun and moon are the two wheels.

While Creation and Destruction are the masts.

Right and left and they cannot be seen.

Steer on.

She does not accept cowri and budi as payment.

She ferries men across for free.

He who mounts the chariot,

not knowing how to steer,

only wanders from shore to shore.

Caryapada 15

Poet: Shantipada, Raga Remkri

Only the self can make itself conscious.

It cannot be perceived by any measure.

Whoever crosses the Shahaja path

Does not return.

Fool, do not wander aimlessly.

Samsar is a straight road.

Do not take the bends.

The high road is covered with a tent.

You do not understand the depth of the sea of illusion.

Neither a boat nor a raft can be seen ahead

Yet you do not ask Guru.

The way to the void cannot be seen.

Do not get lost by mistake.

If you take the straight road.

You will achieve the eighth siddhi.

Shanti leaves aside right and left and spends time playfully.

Where there are no tolls nor security checks nor any bush.

Listening to Guru's advice,

He can arrive at Shahaja with his eyes closed.


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