16. THE CARYA POEMS (21-25)
Poet: Bhusukupada, Raga Barari
The mouse feeds in the dark night.
He cuts ambrosia for food.
O Yogi! Kill the mouse-wind
To stop him from coming and going.
The mouse digs in the earth.
The restless mouse will cast an evil spirit, get rid of him.
Black is the color of the mouse.
I know not his caste.
He climbs to the sky and eats aman-paddy.
As long as the mouse keeps moving
still him with advice from Guru.
When the mouse stops eating,
Bhusuku says: all his ties will be cut off too.
Poet: Sarahapada, Raga Gunjari
By making his own samsara and Nirvana
Man ties himself to it.
I do not know, unknown yogi,
How birth, death and life happen.
Death is like birth.
There is no difference between living and dying.
One who is afraid of birth and death
Should desire medicine or chemistry.
Those who travel in the three worlds
because of the cycle of action
cannot become immortal.
Poet: Bhusukupada, Raga Barari
If you want to go hunting
Then kill five people.
To enter the lotus-garden
Remain single-minded
At morning it is alive at night it is dead.
Unless he gets the hunter's meat
bhusuku will not enter the hut.
He caught the maya-deer
with the maya-net.
I know from Guru whose story it is.
The death of the body is not the end of self.
The garland remains.
The net cannot catch it.
Nor can the chains catch the deer.
In the restless race
the deer vanishes into the void.
Poet: Kanhupada, Raga Indratala
Like the moon the soul roses.
Illusion disperses with advice from Guru
The senses rise to the sky.
The seed is planted in the sky
Which penetrates three worlds.
When the sun rises, night disappears.
All illusions are cleared.
Like the swan which drinks milk only from milk-water
So should the substance of the world be drunk.
Caryapada 25
Poet: Tantipada, (Rage not mentioned)
How religion was founded can be best known by the Vajra.
There are five kalas.
In the loom pure cloth can be woven.
I am the weaver.
The yarn is my own yet I do not know how to describe it.
The world is three and a half arms long.
This yarn is enough to weave for the whole world.
'Anahata' looms prepare the static cloth.
Two places have been broken and joined again stronger than ever.
Seated, I hear everything.
I have forsaken weaving and taken up the Vajra instead.
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